
Thursday, 7 March 2024

87) The Human Aspiration- The Rhythm of the Life Divine- 1st attempt, August 24, 2021

“Are we just products of an unconscious evolution,

Or important pawns of a veiled revolution?
Into matter was there Life force’s involution?

And how did mind enter, matter’s constitution?

Are these secrets in the ancient texts revealed?

But by whom was this original secret concealed?

Why is it that man seeks an understanding,

Of his existence and the universe’s mystic working?

Unlike the beasts that only breeds, eats and dies,

Why does man search for truth behind the lies?

In Nature’s lab, why is there consciousness’s gradation,
From the metal, plant, animal to man- an upgradation? 12

Is man the final product of this ascension?

Or is there room for superman’s transition?”

These questions are but impulses mental,

That leave imprints emotional, spiritual and physical.

Prompting man to seek bliss and light,
Absolute freedom and even God’s insight!

Thus in the lap of nature, man seeks the immortal

A life Divine in an animal body, an aim paradoxical
This is the main cause of the mortal confusion
For the questions find no intellectual conclusion.
Religions spawn and profit on this great uncertainty
Institutionally curbing away both freedom and clarity 24

But truth cannot forever be suppressed,
For man’s will to be free is never unexpressed

The earth continues to indifferently revolve

As religious institutions old and new verily dissolve
Disturbed by life’s ebbs and tides, man looks away
But from the truth he cannot forever sway 30

For time breaks his myopic thirst for immediate result
And life forces him to acknowledge the occult
As he yearns and pines to see that which is unchanging
Something immaculate and pure that was from the beginning
And recognises a conscious self-revealing truth covertly at play
Beyond blind instinct and mental logic, leads the way 36

To the ultimate consciousness beyond veil of the mind
Where answers for all perplexing questions, one can find!"38

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