
Friday, 12 April 2013

39) Genesis

From within the inertial stillness of ethereal bliss
 The primordial vibrations escaped bodiless lips.
From infinity -space and time were then found –
Darkness and Light were both born of the first sound

Matter formed stars to echo the celestial light -
A golden sun exploded from a great star- white.
Many tiny planets were set whirring into motion.
Moons around the planets & planets revolved around the sun

The elements condensed -Earth, fire, wind, water and sky
An atmosphere was created for the manifestation of life –
Hastily life forms divided for complex organisms to be found.
One planet witnessed the origin of life from sound-

Ecosystems, habitats and kingdoms –plant and animal appeared
Newer species gradually evolved as older ones disappeared.
Most evolved of them was the species of Man
He was chosen to lead as per the Grand Plan.

Man was blessed with mind and superior intellect-
By his actions his future he could shape and select –:
Man chose Happiness and sorrow, Joy and misery.
With his gifts, even over nature sought he victory.

Next man created within him conflict and divide:
Ugliness and Beauty began to co-exist and reside.
But over centuries, this equilibrium was breached ,
Inequality flared as chaos’s threshold had reached.

These problems man’s wisdom could no more solve
For in the present state man had to but evolve.
Recognizing the need to go beyond the mind –
Evolution was the only panacea he would find.  

And then he heard in the beat of his heart –
The same sound that brought about the start.
Through that sound could he reach the greatest height
The next level he would ascend - the man of light!

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