
Sunday, 17 March 2013

1) The Postulates of Love

I) Love needs no reason:
Love can never be confined to the limits of logic and needs no reason.It flows spontaneously like a river.
Love IS the reason.

II) One cannot fall in love:
There is no "Falling" in Love. With Love, there is only rising. All the moments that are experienced in love can lead to only one end - Progression.
One simply cannot fall or regress when in love.

III) Love is always one directional:
True Love is always one directional.It demands nothing in return. Besides it's too precious and invaluable to be returned.
Both the lover and the beloved practice one directional love.

IV) There is no pain of sacrifice in Love.
A Sacrifice of love means an offering and the act cannot be complete without a sense of joy. Love realizes the joy of sacrifice and the sacrifices made for love can bring no pain.
(If they do, re-check your premises.)

V) Love is evolution and evolution is love:
Love is the singular human emotion that holds the latent ability of catalyzing evolution.Love is the motivating force that teaches an individual to transcend new horizons.
In fact the very process of evolution is an expression of love.

VI) Love is eternal : Love is never time bound. It is eternal .
With the passing of time , impressions fade
But Love is the only force, even time cannot cage.

VII) Love is purification:
Love does not mean accepting each other's faults. Instead it is a process of purification that gravitates towards perfection.
Love realizes the need to overcome faults to love better.

VIII) The highest form of love that is possible to humanity is divine love:Love is omnipresent in varying degrees. Mankind possesses the innate trait to ascend from the lower degrees of incomplete love to the higher and more pristine degrees of love - Thus love has a tendency to attain completeness.

The highest form of love that humanity is capable of towards his fellow beings is Divine Love:-
Love's a play of forces that governs those of all races
It's Happiness brightens up both- young and old faces.

Beyond Boundaries tis love that transcends all,
It's mystic hand reaches out to all those who fall.

A caressing touch that sets broken hearts to again dream-
It Banishes nightmares of pain to a distant realm,

A kiss that mends wounds that seem may never heal,
It brings forth the Light that even the numb can feel.

Way beyond the physical and the mental is this divine union-
Thirstily the mortal world awaits this joyous communion.

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